Sunday, January 15, 2006

Tanzi, Tape and Tinky boys!

I phoned a friend in desperation this week.........


Her answer ......."I have just the tape for you". She gave it to me at church today.

This seems to be quite a relevant question, and a common challenge to overcome.....

Well , tomorrow, I will find out what to do when I hear the experts advice.

Tanna-Jayde just wants to be 'in on the action!' I set up her own little table and chair for her.....stuck flash cards on the wall around her corner, gave her some jumbo crayons, sticky taped paper to the table (as she kept on tearing the pieces up) and placed a few of her books on the table. ................. She proceeded to draw all over the table and the books! And then THROW the crayons at Codey, who was trying not to pay her any attention (instructions from Mom) and finish his reading of 'Little Bear and Emily'.

When we have devotions, she is in her element! She sings, dances and lifts her hands in worship. But when Bible story begins...... she tries to out do me in volumne!!!!! As she gets louder..... I get she gets even louder...until I feel like I am screaming The Word at the 2 older boys!!! It's exhausting.

She's overwhelmingly bright.... it is frightening. At 16 months she is speaking beautifully. I sit her down on her chair and I point with a ruler to her flash cards that are pasted on the wall. And she says ' spider, bucket, flower, book, cake, phone, car, kite'.

The other day I was joking with the boys and I was saying "Please go have a bath, you are stinky boys!"...... she cottoned onto the phrase and now says" Hayo tinky boys'.( Hello stinky boys)

I do have hope........ in fact often I find it all quite amusing. But the responsibility of educating the older boys concerns me........... thus ....the necessity of the tape!!!!!


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