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Ever heard of a bird called the Hadeda(Haa-dee-daa)? It is related to the ibis and as far as I know it is indigenous to Southern Africa.
They are best known by their call – ha-ha-ha-ha-hadaha – hence their name. The call of a single bird is unexpectedly loud and the noise made by a whole flock that has been disturbed and takes to the air, is enough to waken the dead. They are usually heard calling when flying (hence the myth that they are scared of heights.. and flying).
They are a real pain.... yes, I know that they serve the purpose of aerating the soil and keeping the locust and worm population down ..... but they are a pest!! Their favourite spot is the apex of our roof where they love to do big white runny poops.
SOLUTION ........ MrGee struck upon the idea to scare them away with WizzKids paintball gun. Since Tanzi is in the garden the most, she slotted beautifully into the role as our look-out scout. She sounds the alarm with a shrill call ... " They're on the roof, they're on the roof!!" The boys stop whatever they are doing, grab the paintball gun and head for the sniper balcony.
They take aim and fire! Occassionally they hit the bird, other times they just scare the bejeebers out of them. The boys are starting to see this as target practice for the day when Grandpa Boom eventually gets to take them game hunting ! We live in Africa, and the thrill of hunting seems to be in blood of MrGee's family!xx