In the last 6 months Tanzi has asked me often if she could be water baptized. Boyd's Dad water baptized both Codey and her 6 years ago in our pool, but when she heard it was good to have it done in front of friends and witnesses she was adamant she wanted to do it again.
Tanna's name means 'Princess', and from 2 years of age she would get upset if we did not call her 'Princess of Wonderland". Then, when she was about 6 years old I remarked,"Hey but I love you so much my chicken". Very respectfully she said ," Please don't call me that, you can call me God's Girl."
And so, that's what my beautiful, caring, loving, modest girlie was to be called.
After her baptism a lady asked to pray over Tanzi. She spoke how Tanna was gifted with singing and was anointed for leading people into the presence of God.
God have your way in Tanzi's life.