Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pics from this past week.

After two weeks of holidays, these beautiful,joyful faces welcomed me back into the learning room. I feel so privileged to be teaching my kids! WizzKid said, "Mom I'm so glad we're back at school, as the days were not that interesting, and seemed SO long!"

Praise and worship can sometimes be quite wild........ but always good!

Here's my little water baby..... she is so at home in the water.

Mr CoolDude has a dream to be the next Roger Federer, and he's good! CoolDude loves his tennis!!

My boys are allowed to have 45min of technology each day. That is, if they have done all their schoolwork, and if they haven't lost it due to bad attitudes! They get to play most days,and they LOVE it. Today they got these chairs for their PSP's. The chairs have built in surround sound systems(they rock), and provide a happy place for them to relax and enjoy their session of technology.




sara said...

Love those pictures! That one of tanzi jumping in the pool is priceless. And I like your idea of 45 min a day of technology.

la bellina mammina said...

Your kids are just too cute! And I absolutely love the one of Tanzi!!

Anonymous said...

I love the animal posters! We had a great 1st week back to school last week as well. I'll have to write about it soon. Our routines are good for them. Are the tennis courts near your house?