Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas has come early at our house!

I put down the telephone and squealed with delight! Hubby was surprised and wondered if a family member was pregnant or if we had won the Lotto! Nope it wasn't that...... but tomorrow is sure to be one fine day for me!!!!! Firstly, our new 8 seater patio table and chairs (which was only going to arrive mid-Jan) is being delivered and wait for it............ The lady on the other side of the phone had said that our Sonlight ( year 3&4 condensed) curriculum for next year would be dropped off at our doorstep, TOMORROW!

The reason why I may be a little more excited than most people is that we live outside of America and last year it took 3 months for the curriculum to get to me! This time Sonlight dispatched the goods on 12 Dec 2006 and I will be receiving them tomorrow, exactly 7 days later! WOW!

The boys are having friends over tomorrow and have asked that I only open the packages when their friends have gone! I suppose they also want to be the first to see! This is going to be hard!!!!

love Fiffi

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