Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Family Fun at the Lion Park.

On New Years Day we took a short trip out to the Lion Park. The boys had been there before but for Tanna and I it was a first! Tanna kept saying "Look at kitty meouw, meouw!" When we arrived we were escorted into the lion cub enclosure, and were able to stroke and pet the 4 month old lion cubs.

Codey petting the lion cubs.

Isn't he just so cuddlely?!?!

Above......the cub started to get a little TOO friendly and snapped at Codey's shirt, and would not let go!

Above... Jamie was fascinated with giraffes l--o--n--g....... tongue! They are such graceful and gentle creatures!

Then we went for a game drive through the lion camps. The signs say "Do not exit the car, Do not feed animals!" Like I was going to!! But 2 years ago, a Japanese tourist decided to venture out of his car to get the perfect pic,...... and he got eaten! I kid you not! These kittys are are beautiful, but extremely dangerous!!!!

Above........ You can see I have my window half down. I was getting a little scared, as the lionesses where 2 meters( just over 2 yards) away from our car! and Hubby was eating a cake....... which I thought they might want to have!!!! I told the kids "I did not want to be lion poop today!"

Last, but definately not the least, we have the male LION in all his glory. I can see why Jesus was likened to such a royal and majestic creature! The Lion of Judah!

lotsaluv............Hope you enjoyed a taste of Africa!

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