Thursday, February 1, 2007

I am a very naughty blogger friend at the moment! Please forgive me blogging girls! I have had one sick little girl on my hands(she's better now!), a hubby that's been away for a short spell, a computor that has rolled over and is playing dead (so I have hi-jacked my son's!), and in the midst of it I have had my very precious sil over for a visit! So, something had to give! I will do a post of sister in law's visit soon, so that the family in Australia can catch up with her!Otherwise, we are doing well and into our second week of the curriculum. I thought I would mention a few of our learning hi-lights!................
Devotions - We are learning PSALM 8 through the medium of song. Because of the catchy tune, I find myself singing the song throughout the day!
Maths - The boys have been using Singapore maths for the past 2 years, and this year we decided to introduce Horizon Maths. So they are working through the 2 different systems. This is great, as the one covers what the other might not! I want NO HOLES!The boys much prefer Horizons now, and I understand why!
History - We are reading some beautiful books. We are studying the different Native American tribes. This includes learning about their history, culture and religion. We get to pray for specific spiritual needs of the existing tribe members!
Science - We are exploring Magnetism, and having a lot of fun with the experiments! I can't find iron filings anywhere!!!!!!! urghhhhhhh
Language - The boys are on different levels. Americans seem to be big on their grammar, so we are trying to catch up! I am learning as we go!!!!!!
Music - This year we are learning the recorder. The boys love it! Today we had a funny moment....... As we were playing the note 'B' to a rhythm, Codey started dancing like a little Leprechaun kicking his legs out to the side! Well, I lost control and laughed and laughed! The boys realized it was a joyful laugh, not a "Ha Ha, you look funny" laugh!!!!
Handwriting - By the look of my boys handwriting they will either end up doctors or nutty professors! Boy do they struggle with this .......... we shall endure! slog, slog
So, that's about it.I confess, I never thought I would ever be singing ......"Horray for the flag of the free, may it wave as our standard forever..........". But, it's great, and we are all having FUN. As my eldest son said, we should call our school.... "Gibbons FunsCOOL, because school is cool!"Wow.... i love that boy!!!!

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