Sunday, February 4, 2007

We have had quite a weekend! Mr Cooldude started to urinate blood on Saturday Morning. I administered a citra soda, and we all kept close watch on our precious boy! Even TanziPanzi kept asking "CoolDude blood gone? "On Sunday morning,the symptoms were still there, so Hubby decided to take him to Emergency,at the hospital.They did tests, and found blood and protein in his urine. I have to take him for scans on Monday. I would really apreciate your prayers for my 8 year old son Mr CoolDude.

Love Fee


tamlovesran said...

I hope Codey is better by now. He's in my prayers.

God bless,

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

It's so scary to watch our precious ones be sick... I am praying for a quick recovery.