Friday, May 9, 2008

Soccer Fun!


I love to see all three of my kiddiwinks playing together. It's not often, so when it happened yesterday, I ran inside to grab my camera!


It all started off quite well, until TanziPanzi ran off with the soccer beacons and created some rather bizare arm accessories!!


And boy did she taunt her brothers with a victory dance! Now I know why their playing together doesn't happen much!
You've gotta love her though!



Michelle said...

You know what I wish? That I could just reach through this computer and give Tanzi a big 'ol hug! She is soooo cute!
I love it when the kiddos are all playing nice together! Such sweet moments

Gill said...

LOL! That little girlie has spunk!

Mel said...

I can relate to enjoying seeing the odd bonding moments between my 3 kids, rare but lovely!
How old are your kids?

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...


Ummm... yeah... that wouldn't go over too well with my boys either!

la bellina mammina said...

Tanzi is such a little drama princess! LOL! But a a quite one... that looks like so much fun!!

Happy Mother's Day Fee!