Wednesday, October 25, 2006

7 weeks til Summer hols!

As we race down the straight to the finish......(in other words , as we attempt to complete all the allotted work for the year), I look back towards the start,and stand amazed at how the presence of God and the Holy Spirit has been with us!
We have had times when the 'Joy of the Lord' has overcome us, and we have all ended up laughing and laughing for NO particular reason! God knew why we needed it!
We have stood in agreement, and have seen prayer answered.
Attitudes( including mine!) have been challenged and the necessary adjustments have been made!
We have read touching and life changing stories....and have cried.
Our eyes have been opened to the beauty and excitement of the Old Testament.
It has been a great year!


PS.......It looks like Hubby will be able to retrieve most of my photos from the last 2 years!!!!!!!

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