Saturday, August 25, 2007

A few of TanziPanzi's latest sayings..................

"Boys you can't watch dat, it's tooooooo bilent!" (violent)

She wasn't settling down for school, so I said to her "Tanzi, PLEASE settle down and do your puzzle." She jumped up to attention, saluted and shouted, "Yes Sir!"

A couple of weeks back...... Tanzi called CoolDude 'An ugly butt'. I told her that was a naughty thing to do and that she must say sorry now. She did........ but what followed made me scream with laughter.(Yip I know this may not have been the correct thing to do, but the hahahahahaha just came out!) She said.... "I don't like dat, now I'm da ugly butt!"

love Fifi


Anonymous said...

oooohhhh...she is so funny.

I laughed outloud.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!

She must take after mommy? ;-)