Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Regular posts are not occurring on this blog .... SORRY!
I honestly have had nothing exciting to write about lately.

All that seems to be going on over here is the wading through of heaps of work, and in my case loads of marking! WizzKids studies through the British International College are going well, BUT it is ALOT of work. His work ethic is being challenged. He is a very bright boy, but he will try to cut corners and get away with doing the least amount of work! I find I am having to step into my 'gestapo boots' and give him a swift kick in the buttocks every so often!

Next week we are going to the mountains for 5 days so I can see a shimmer of light in the distance!



meNmykids said...

Light is always good! Work, work, work. Seems like that is the big part of life.

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

It seems that I'm constantly working on my son's work ethic. I can see great improvement this year. (Big *sigh* of releif.)Thank God.

Gill said...

Sounds like we are going through a similar stage....work, work, work. At least you have the week in the berg to look forward to and I have my trip - without that I think I would go into some kind of fug right now!

ByHISgoodGrace said...

Hey Fee...thanks for your comments. I remember all too well when it happened to you...remember I was volunteering at the church creche...lots of love to you.

Jerelene said...

Hi Fiona!! Sounds like you are ready for a little break!! I think mine all have spring fever...they've not been wanting to do there work either...Hope you have a wonderful time on your getaway!! Love, Jerelene