Thursday, June 25, 2009

In need of a break ......

One more sleep and school closes for three well deserved weeks! I told MrGee that I'm looking forward to the break more than the kids.
We have had a very busy term, but the boys have kept to their schedules and have done some great work ...... besides the odd day we have all been very productive. CoolDude's swimming is coming on in leaps and bounds , and I have a feeling he is going to excel in this sport.
WizzKid has received brilliant marks for his BIDC (British International Distance College) assignments. He is loving this homeschooling course.

To end off the term, we are having a get together with another homeschooling family it's called "A Taste of Russia."


Eileen said...

Enjoy your break! Enjoy your family! The Russia thing sounds very interesting!

ByHISgoodGrace said...

YAY! Congrats on all you've done so far this year. You are my inspiration! Enjoy the time off.
love ya...and it was a man with the last name Clement who was the preacher. I'm not trying to leave cliffhangers like soapies...I'm just writing what I can with the time I have!!! Don't worry, you'll be mentioned soon!

Jerelene said...

Hi Fifi! It sounds like you are definately ready for a break! Hope you are doing well and I can't wait to hear about your Russian Dinner!! Love, Jerelene