Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Make-over ..... ?

Oh don't I look glam ....?
Although you can't see the final result properly, I can assure you Miss Tanzi took her time and enjoyed painting my face for an hour. I gave her carte blanche of my make-up draw and she took full advantage! She slapped foundation unevenly over my forehead and cheeks,outlined my lips horribly, filled in my eyebrows heavily,covered my pimples(pimples?) with layers of concealer,painted every shade of eyeshadow I owned on my eyelids, gave me a butterfly and flower on my cheeks and .......... stabbed me in the eye with the mascara brush!!! Yes ...... that was when I suggested "Lets wrap this baby up!"


Shan said...

HA HA! Yes, it's wise to quit while you still have one good eye! :D You look like TanziPanzi don't you? I hadn't realized how much of a Mini-me she is of you.

Chasity said...

Awesome. We did this a couple of months ago with my 5 year old. I love it!!
Be blessed,

Mrs. Guthrie said...

*roflol* That's GREAT!! :) Maybe she'll be a makeup artist some day. :D

Beth said...

Be-u-ti-ful!! ahahahha!!

meNmykids said...

Oh you look wonderful! I'm sure she had a great time and your multicolored eyelids probably just looked like the continuation of the watery eye.

Jerelene said...

What fun!! I hope it was at least some fun for you too...I guess til you got poked in the eye :)
Hope your hubby is doing well...I'm keeping you guys in my prayers..
Hugs from me to you!!

Halfmoon Girl said...

Love it! My favourite part is all the hair clips. My daughter used to do my hair, and a couple of times I forgot about the barettes in it and went out with it that way.

ByHISgoodGrace said...

Wow, you are brave! And, such a patient and sweet Mama for letting her do this. I think she may need a tutorial though. heee heee

Melany said...

Ahhhh you look perfect!! :) Maybe I should let Kyla and Zander do just that! :)

Diane said...

Tanzi had a VERY beautiful canvas to work on. You guys just brighten up my day. Both so fun.