Sunday, May 2, 2010

Homeschooling my Dude again!

After a term and a half at Highbury Preparatory, CoolDude is returning to Gibbons Funschool!
Why you ask? ........ Well, firstly I need to be honest and tell you that I never wanted the boys back in the school sector at all. MrGee and I had been going through a hectic time in our marriage, and after my 40th birthday fiasco, I packed bags and Miss Tanzi and I left for 5 days. During that time MrGee booked the boys back into private schools. Deposits were paid, and I really had no say. The boys were never against going to a new school ... they saw it as a new adventure.
With that said, CoolDude entered Highbury excited and ready to embrace his new school and a new group of friends. The first term seemed to work out beautifully. His marks were very good, he had made a couple of friends and I never heard anything negative from the staff or CoolDude.(Besides the fact that CoolDude said the boys swore terribly and that they had called him a pathetic goalie.)

We entered the second term and within 10 days the wheels fell off! CoolDude was not himself. The interesting thing was that he did not want to disclose what was happening to him (he skirted around the issue) ..... and I believe this was because he felt he would be victimised even more if he told on! We honestly had to draw the information out of him bit - by little bit.

When it all came out we heard stories of how the boys had said (when referring to something ugly)... "That is as ugly as CoolDude's face!" Another thing they called him was a 'retard'. HEY MOM'S what would you do .... leave your kid in that environment?
Another thing CoolDude was gobsmacked with, was that the boys spoke disgustingly about girls. Cooldude has a healthy respect for girls and thinks they are pretty and cool in the most innocent of ways. Unfortunately some of the boys in his class spoke intimately about girls and what they had seen or done with girls. (They are 11 for goodness sakes!!) They even told him they would show him the site to watch porn on. HEY MOM'S what would you do .... leave your kid in this environment?

I COULDN'T ....... so he is back learning at home. And he is sooo HAPPY!


Tracy Schimper said...

Well done for going with your gut feel! A mother's instinct is NEVER to be under estimated.

Jane said...

Well done! Very difficult going against the tide. Sure Cool Dude is going to shine once more under your guidance.

catherine said...


ByHISgoodGrace said...

I'm sure you and CoolDude are very happy to be homeschooling again. It's so sad what goes on in school. And, your son is one of the most good-looking boys ever--all that ugly talk was pure jealousy. Shame.
Thinking of you all.

Eileen said...

My goodness! You had no choice but to Homeschool again!
It's so sad what goes on inside schools now, with all the bullying, and with the loss of innocence.
Bullying in school is very bad by us, there have even been 'bullying rules' that schools have adopted because the problem has run rampant. It's sad though because the very schools that impart the rules, don't enforce them.

Great job on your part!
Great Mom!
All the best to you,
PS ~ I agree with 'ByHISgoodGrace', your family is VERY nice looking and it could be nothing but jealousy that provoked those horrid comments.

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Ugh...that just breaks my heart that 11 year old's would speak and act that way. I am so glad that CoolDude is home now! I would be so very excited too!